Learn more about me
Passionate about data analysis. Interest in medical domain. focused in medical software development.
I am a Medical Engineer, having masters degree in Medical Imaging and data processing. I am a software Engineer who has a clear ambition towards medical industry. I am interested building projects in various domain. I am a full stack developer and have experience in building cloud based web applications. I have experience in building machine learning models and deploying them in production. I have experience in building deep learning models for medical image analysis. I have experience in building medical image & audio processing pipelines.
Check My Resume
Innovative and deadline-driven full stack Software Engineer with 3+ years of experience designing and developing user-centered sofware used mostly in medical industry from initial concept to final productionizing, completed multipe project under a team of different department.
Friedriche Alexander Universität, Erlangn, DE
Subjects: Pattern Recognition, Pattern Analysis,Intervention Medical Image processing, Diagnostic Medical Image Processing (US, X-Ray), Computer Graphics, deep learning (tensorflow architecture design), Machine Learning (Boosting classifier, SVM, Bayesian classifier), Computer Vision, applied visualization.
West Bengal University of Technology, West Bengal, India
Subjects: Medical Instrumentation, digital Signal processing, Digital Image Processing, Engineering Mathematics, Basis-Electronics, circuit theory, robotics, Physiology
Potsdam, Brandenburg, DE
Friedriche Alexander Universität, Erlangen, Bayern, DE
Friedriche Alexander Universität, Erlangen, Bayern, DE
Adidas & Machine Learning and Data Analysis lab (MAD Lab, FAU), Erlangen, Bayern, DE
Pattern Analysis Lab, Erlangen, Bayern, DE
West Bengal, India
West Bengal, India